Monday, June 1, 2015

I. Am. Enough.

For most of my life, I've struggled with my perceived idea of perfection and my inability to achieve it.  How many of you look in the mirror every day and focus on your flaws and imperfections?  Wishing them away, trying everything you can to cover or hide them.  That's been me, I know exactly how you feel.  Comments made in my childhood have stuck with me into adulthood.  Comments like "you'd be pretty if you just lost some weight"  and "you have such a pretty smile, just make sure to keep you mouth closed so no one can see your crooked teeth".  Comments like that are hard to forget, they just hang out in the back of your mind, rearing their ugly head when you least expect it.  What's even worse, comments made to me in my adult life had made my insecurities 10 times stronger. 

Then something amazingly crazy happened.  Someone came into my life and showed me that all those "flaws" and "imperfections" were me and loved me because of them.  Celebrated them.  Helped me become comfortable with them.  I saw myself through someone else's  eyes.  And then slowly, it happened.  I finally realized that I am beautiful, in my own way.  I.  AM.  ENOUGH.  And guess what?  So are you!  Embrace those things that make you uniquely you.  Celebrate them!  Someone, somewhere, someday is going to love you for you and all those awesome things that make you unique.  But, you must love and embrace yourself first.  No more trying to change for others.  YOU.  ARE.  ENOUGH.  If you don't believe me, make a list like I did and you'll see for yourself just how ENOUGH you are.
I am strong.  
I love deeply and with my whole being.  
I make mistakes, lots of mistakes.  But I learn from them. 
I find inappropriate things humorous.  
I can be sensitive, at times.  
I look for the positive, when there seems like there is none.  
I take risks even though I'm scared of failure.  
I am fully aware of my weaknesses.  
I'm not afraid to apologize for my wrongs and I forgive easily.  
I cry at cheesy commercials.  
I'm addicted to coffee and chocolate.  
I am chubby, my teeth aren't perfect and sometimes my gray hair shows, but that's me and that's enough.  

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